Hello Friends! It has been so long since I have posted here, I feel guilty for not keep this up better. But then, it is my blog, a place for expression and not a place where I sell things. So, I can let go of the guilt right?
More changes have been taking place in my life over the past few months. And without boring the crap out of all of you with the mundane details, I will just give you some bits.
I hve made the decision to stop taking horticulture classes and have decided to work on my Masters in History instead. After talking to a great many people, it just makes more sense to get an advanced degree instead of another A.S. degree. If you have read my blog in the past you know that I love history. Not sure if I will teach it or not as I still have to go and actually sit down with the advisor to discuss how I can make that work into the program they have already. It is a very promising future for me.
Clark has finally gotten his assessment for Vocational Rehabilitation Dept. help to obtain a job. The process is just starting so, I have no details. He is excited at possibilities. His health and attitude remain relatively good despite not having much to do.
Our gardens have suffered terribly this year with all the heat. Many areas have been sorely neglected. We are just now getting back out to lay down compost and take out plants that are not doing good or are in the wrong area. We will move some plants now as living where we do, they will have some grow time before it becomes winter.
And my other area that has pushed stamping and crafting out a little is my living history hobby. For those of you who have viewed Civil War Reenactors before at battlefields and events at historic homes or sites. You might know what I mean.....the men in their uniforms and the women in their hoop skirts. Well, that gives you some idea. But, I am not the sort of person to just sit on a battlefield in a hoopskirt and watch the men fight. I am more interested in dressing period correct (which means hoops, corset, etc.) and participating in events that pertain to life at these sites. I am just getting back into this after many years away. I am slowly making friends with folks with similar interests...and attending conferences and workshops in the upcoming months. I may be starting a new blog to incorporate my love of history, we'll see....I may just be too busy to do much but attend classes.
The card I have chosen was sent to my In-Laws to thank them for meeting my husband and I in Chicago for my birthday weekend in August. I love Chicago but, feel now that I have nearly exhausted all the places in that city to visit. The Field Museum had an exhibit on the baby Mammoth that was found in Siberia.....so totally facisinating!
Thanks again for looking and reading about my life....such as it is!
- Stamps - SU Feathered Friends
- Paper - SU Whisper White, Close to Cocoa (retired) and So Saffron CS, SU DSP (retired)
- Ink - Ranger Archival Black Ink
- Accessories - Prismacolor Pencils, Baby Oil, Blending Stumps, Chocolate Chip Satin Ribbon (retired)